While I was preparing my notes for this chapter, I started to think about what people want
to learn the most when it comes to making money online. What do you want to learn most
about making money online?
Is it:
How to make more sales?
How to create a winning product?
How to actually make a sale (the technical aspects of online business)?
The first thing I want to tell you is to start focusing on what is truly important in business,
whether it's a brick-and-mortar store your grandpa owned or a snazzy new website you've just started.
The first question that you should be asking (not the only question because there is more to
creating online wealth, but this is the most important point) is:
How do I drive more traffic to my website?
As an entrepreneur, your income will always be (beyond a certain point) a function of traffic.
More people coming in to your store to look at antiques = more sales = more money.
More prospects getting your sales letter in their mailboxes = more sales = more n
More people visiting your online store… you get the picture.
Traffic is important. It's the lifeblood that runs and determines the success of any business.
You may know it by different names, so to put it in another way:
More people seeing your sales pitch = more money coming into the bank. (granted your
sales pitch is something people want)
Doesn't get simpler than that.
Note: In later chapters I'll talk to you about the other
factors that determine your income - product value,
pricing and most importantly, converting this traffic
into enthusiastic, buying customers.
Back to the original question: How do create instant website traffic? you Search engines
are a good way to bring free traffic to your website - and while I've been teaching busi-
ness owners like you, how to bring in truckloads of free search engine traffic for several
years now, the problem with this method is that it takes time to rank highly in
Google and other search engines.
... And we all only have a limited amount of time. The challenge here is to create a
money-making machine that attracts prospects, reels them in, converts them into
customers and repeats the process all over again. Think of it as a revolving door -
prospects just keep coming to your website and keep going out as happy customers
is that there already is such a system for bringing in instant traffic - pay-per- The good news
click advertising (PPC). I'll be talking exclusively about how you can use PPC advertising
via Google Adwords, to drive traffic to your website and convert that traffic into customers.
is that of PPC advertisers end up throwing several hundred The bad news 95
percent lucks down the hole before they even begin to understand how pay-per-click works.
What's more, there are many business owners who, after being burned to the tune of
several thousands of dollars, give up on PPC advertising because they don't get how it
Imagine the pain of giving up a marketing opportunity like that, just because you were so
frustrated that nothing was working.
What I've done here is I've broken PPC advertising down for you in simple terms - and as
you will see in this chapter and the next, and cutting through all I'll be taking you by hand
the mystery that surrounds AdWords (my ad network of choice) and pay-per-click
Learn about a new keyword generation and analysis tool that all of the gurus are secretly using to quadruple their Adwords and Adsense earnings...
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