Friday, October 2, 2009
Adwords Time Machine
![]() | Instant access to the past 6 months of ad history for any Adwords advertiser! |
![]() | No more waiting, you'll know immediately whether a competitor or affiliate's Adwords ad is making them money, allowing you to... |
![]() | ... "Borrow" their entire Adwords strategy (keywords, ad, etc) and use it as your own! |
![]() | Uncover any Adwords advertiser's keyword list! |
![]() | Plus much more! |
Keyword Surge
Keyword Surge | ||||||
Learn how I quadrupled my Adsense earnings!
Keyword Elite 2.0
Checkoutthese Improvements: | |
![]() | Entirely new web 2.0 look and feel to allow faster navigation, increase user friendliness, and create a much more enjoyable experience. |
![]() | 100% New Adwords Time Machine program which allows you to view the entire 6 month Adwords ad history of any Adwords advertiser! |
![]() | 100% New Advanced Google Site Targeter program which allows you to quickly find websites displaying Adsense, that you can advertise your own website on. |
![]() | 100% New JV Diamond Miner program which allows you to quickly and easily find websites that are building email lists, allowing you to mooch traffic from their already profitable businesses. |
![]() | 100% New CPA Magnet program which allows you to find high converting CPA offers, as well as monetize those offers through stealth keyword generation. |
![]() | Enhanced speed. We increased Keyword Elite's speed of generating keywords and displaying analysis data by over 10x! |
![]() | Added a multi-tab interface to allow you to run as many project types as you wish, at the same time... while not losing data from the previously run project! |
![]() | Added Keyword Elite's own keyword data source, which allows you to build your keyword lists in seconds, not minutes. |
![]() | Completely changed the keyword editing screen to allow for much easier keyword manipulation. |
![]() | Added much more filtering capabilities so you can create an ultra specific keyword list based around your niche. |
![]() | Added several new columns including the ability to see how many clicks you can expect to receive for each keword in both the paid and free search engine listings. |
![]() | Added trends graphs to the reports |
![]() | Greatly increased the depth of analysis for onpage ranking factors for sites in Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Allowing you to see, at a glance, why sites rank where they do and how to beat them. |
![]() | Added the Microsoft OCI percentage so you can see what percentage of visitors searching on a specific keyword are potential buyers vs. just browsers. |
![]() | Added a competition strength indicator to quickly tell you if a keyword is worth optimizing for... based on the level of the competition. |
![]() | Plus, literally hundreds of other feature enhancements gathered over the past year and a half! Way too many to list here... |
Right now, I know what you're probably thinking...
You're probably worried that this is some super complicated piece of software that only people with a degree in rocket science can use... am I right?
Well, to be blunt, you couldn't be more wrong.
This thing is completely simple. I mean, you could train a monkey to use it for you. You could get your six year old daughter to do it for you. I'm not kidding. It really is that simple.
Remember how I showed you earlier that I wasn't the cleverest guy around? I'm serious, I'm not some college graduate with a bunch of letters after my name. If I can use it, anyone can.
Because that means it's accessible to everyone...
It's not just for big rich SEO guys to tackle the hugest niches with.
Regular guys like us can use it to completely corner our niches too...
Secret keyword software that took me from $3.25/day to $236/day!
By now I'm sure you've heard lots about Brad
Callen's new keyword research and keyword
generation tool, Keyword Elite.
But if not, I wanted to tell you briefly
about some of the new features that Brad's
added to the latest update to Keyword Elite.
As if the software wasn't already extremely
powerful, Brad just keeps adding more requested
features to it. Anyway, here is a brief list of
what the software can do for you:
- Easily generate keyword lists of over 10,000
keywords in a few short minutes
- Allows you to find extremely profitable, high
paying Adsense keywords
- Analyzes your PPC competition to find exactly
which keywords are making them the most money,
as well as which ones are losing them money
- Get a quick glance at how competitive a market
is in terms of organic search engine listings,
as well as PPC listings
- Plus way more than I can list here...
Brad's got several demo videos at the website to
show you exactly what the softare can do for you,
so I highly suggest that you take a few minutes
from whatever you're doing right now, and go
watch the videos.
I personally guarantee you've NEVER seen anything
quite like this software.
You can go view the videos here: ====>
All the best,
5 Reasons why you should be using Google AdWords

The Google audience / user base has traditionally catered to technical Reason
1: audiences and more importantly, to Internet savvy users.
The kind of users who are . comfortable with buying online
These users (the tech-savvy, buying kind) are more likely to use Google than Yahoo or MSN).
Google AdWords delivers instant results - you can have your ad campaign upReason 2:
and running in 10 minutes flat. Compared to this Yahoo can take anywhere from 2 to 5 days while they manually review ads.
Reason 3: countries, states and cities. This is a great advantage for businesses selling hard goods or services - they would prefer local prospects as opposed to someone half way across the world.
Reason 4: it rewards good ad performance that is, for an ad that converts (clicks/impressions percentage) exceptionally well (high click-through-rate (CTR)), your ad will get better ad placement as well as better pricing.
Google wants to display the most relevant ads for the user. So... it makes perfect sense that YOU will pay less per click, the higher the clickthrough rate of your ad is.
that users click on your ad. For example, if 100 users
saw your ad, and 2 people clicked your ad to visit
your website, your click-through rate would be 2%
Your competition cannot see the exact amount you're bidding for
your Reason 5: keywords or the CTR your ads are getting - a distinct tactical advantage that Yahoo lacks.
How to create instant website traffic
While I was preparing my notes for this chapter, I started to think about what people want
to learn the most when it comes to making money online. What do you want to learn most
about making money online?
Is it:
How to make more sales?
How to create a winning product?
How to actually make a sale (the technical aspects of online business)?
The first thing I want to tell you is to start focusing on what is truly important in business,
whether it's a brick-and-mortar store your grandpa owned or a snazzy new website you've just started.
The first question that you should be asking (not the only question because there is more to
creating online wealth, but this is the most important point) is:
How do I drive more traffic to my website?
As an entrepreneur, your income will always be (beyond a certain point) a function of traffic.
More people coming in to your store to look at antiques = more sales = more money.
More prospects getting your sales letter in their mailboxes = more sales = more n
More people visiting your online store… you get the picture.
Traffic is important. It's the lifeblood that runs and determines the success of any business.
You may know it by different names, so to put it in another way:
More people seeing your sales pitch = more money coming into the bank. (granted your
sales pitch is something people want)
Doesn't get simpler than that.
Note: In later chapters I'll talk to you about the other
factors that determine your income - product value,
pricing and most importantly, converting this traffic
into enthusiastic, buying customers.
Back to the original question: How do create instant website traffic? you Search engines
are a good way to bring free traffic to your website - and while I've been teaching busi-
ness owners like you, how to bring in truckloads of free search engine traffic for several
years now, the problem with this method is that it takes time to rank highly in
Google and other search engines.
... And we all only have a limited amount of time. The challenge here is to create a
money-making machine that attracts prospects, reels them in, converts them into
customers and repeats the process all over again. Think of it as a revolving door -
prospects just keep coming to your website and keep going out as happy customers
is that there already is such a system for bringing in instant traffic - pay-per- The good news
click advertising (PPC). I'll be talking exclusively about how you can use PPC advertising
via Google Adwords, to drive traffic to your website and convert that traffic into customers.
is that of PPC advertisers end up throwing several hundred The bad news 95
percent lucks down the hole before they even begin to understand how pay-per-click works.
What's more, there are many business owners who, after being burned to the tune of
several thousands of dollars, give up on PPC advertising because they don't get how it
Imagine the pain of giving up a marketing opportunity like that, just because you were so
frustrated that nothing was working.
What I've done here is I've broken PPC advertising down for you in simple terms - and as
you will see in this chapter and the next, and cutting through all I'll be taking you by hand
the mystery that surrounds AdWords (my ad network of choice) and pay-per-click
Learn about a new keyword generation and analysis tool that all of the gurus are secretly using to quadruple their Adwords and Adsense earnings...
Get Instant Access To The Exact Keyword Research
Warning - If you're not serious about creating an online business
that "makes your money for you", please stop reading this now!
Welcome to The Player's Guide To Adwords Domination.
Before we start, I want to cut a deal with you.
You see, I wrote this eBook out of a desire to teach others how
to create using PPC advertising. I've poured a lot of effort into
this eBook, but only because I 200% that this works. And
what's more, it should work for whouses these strategies for their
And because I've worked so hard to create this, I want it to .
If you end up "wasting" your time by reading this once and not
applying it…well let's just say we can't have any of that.
The only way we're going to do this is if you to apply the
money-making strategies that I'm about to share with you.
In return, you have my word that I will show you the exact
steps that I have taken to bring in instant traffic and build
my online empire. I still get kicks out of calling my business
an empire.
Simple give and take (or show and tell).
To give you a quick idea of what I'm talking about (and to
show you what's possible)…

This is from just one campaign I run on Google AdWords
(more on this later) for just one of myproducts for last
month. This is fora $167 product. You'll notice that the
cost/conversion is as low as $2.59! You'll also see that
almost all of the groups running have a clickthrough rate
higher than 5%. Some as high as 10%! The great thing
about this, is once it's up and running, it literally take NO
work to earn money via Adwords. It's all on autopilot.
In the next few chapters, I will be teaching only those skills
that you absolutely need to know in order to create your
own wealth (and then maybe take your own screenshots?)
like I have shown above.
Ready to roll? Let's start with the lifeblood of any online
business - website traffic - and how you can create it
instantly. Just Click below...
How to make good income byusing Keyword Elite
This new keyword software program allows you to plug in a root keyword and it will Immediately generate thousands of highly profitable Adsense keywords. Heck, it'll even create Adsense optimized web pages for you... but that's really a side benefit of the program.
You can also monitor your Adwords competitionto see which keywords are actually making them
the most earnings each month... Then, you can steal their keywords and use them as your own!
The software even allows you to create your own Adwords ads and them upload them to your
Google Adwords account, without even logging into your account.
Anyway, I won't go into all of what the software can do in this email, but you can visit the URL
below to watch several demo videos that the creator of the software has made.
If the videos and testimonials at the website don't get you excited, I don't know what will.
Anyway, visit below to have a look at the demo videos. Enjoy!
Introducing... Keyword Elite 2.0!
The NEW Generation of money making keyword tools!
To put it bluntly, Keyword Elite 2.0 blows away every single tool on the market...
If you're looking for high profit, low competition niches, this will show you them... fast.
Anyone not using this tool is allowing their competitors to get a distinct tactical advantage over them... And in the modern marketing world, that's deadly...